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The Sky Is For Everyone : Women Astronomers In Their Own Words
 ISBN: 9780691207100Price: 29.95  
Volume: Dewey: 520.922Grade Min: Publication Date: 2022-06-21 
LCC: 2021-057223LCN: QB34.5Grade Max: Version:  
Contributor: Trimble, VirginiaSeries: Publisher: Princeton University PressExtent: 504 
Contributor: Weintraub, David A.Reviewer: Hilary Dorsch WongAffiliation: SUNY CortlandIssue Date: July 2023 

The Sky Is for Everyone offers a compilation of essay memoirs written by 37 modern women astronomers. The essays are arranged chronologically by date of PhD, from Anne Pyne Cowley (PhD, 1963) to Yilen Gomez Maqueo Chew (PhD, 2010). Though many contributors are from the US, astronomers from around the world are included, and overall the group represents a variety of research interests, from cosmology to planetary science and radio astronomy. While the scope of inclusion aims to be broad, it isn't exhaustive; some luminaries, e.g., Jill Tarter, did not contribute. Although the essays vary widely, some common challenges experienced by these professionals emerge, including imposter syndrome, the struggle of women in academic partnerships, sexism in general, and lack of support for mothers. Contributing authors share their love for astronomy and the satisfaction they draw from their research and collaboration with colleagues. The astronomer editors, Trimble (Univ. of California Irvine, also a featured essayist) and Weintraub (Vanderbilt Univ.), provide additional context in their introductory chapter, mentioning women astronomers who predate the project's scope or who didn't contribute. They also include a further reading and resources section at the end. Given that the essays are universally well written, this book would be a fine addition to any college or university library.Summing Up: Highly recommended. All readers.