Promotions - Choice's Outstanding Academic Titles 2019 - Social & Behavioral Sciences — Economics — African and African American Studies

The Uninhabitable Earth : Life After Warming
 ISBN: 9780525576709Price: 27.00  
Volume: Dewey: Grade Min: Publication Date: 2019-02-19 
LCC: 2018-051268LCN: GF75.W36 2019Grade Max: Version:  
Contributor: Wallace-Wells, DavidSeries: Publisher: Crown/ArchetypeExtent: 320 
Contributor: Reviewer: Patricia A. MurphyAffiliation: emerita, University of ToledoIssue Date: September 2019 

When an author congratulates a reader for her/his getting to page 138, one can safely assume that the information in the book is terrifying. The titles of the first 11 chapters of The Uninhabitable Earth are "Heat Death," "Hunger," "Drowning," "Wildfire," "Disasters No Longer Natural," "Freshwater Drain," "Dying Oceans," "Unbreathable Air," "Plagues of Warming," and "Economic Collapse." The title of the twelfth and last chapter, "Systems," refers to global disruption including wars and forced migration--a projected one-billion climate migrants on the planet by 2050. To date the responses to global warming have been denial (both major political parties in the US are guilty of this) and simply looking away instead of acknowledging the climate debt owed by the wealthy nations of the West who created the Anthropocene in one generation. The next generation has the task of reengineering a world not based on fossil fuels. Accomplishing this will not rely on the actions of well-meaning individuals who recycle or do not use plastic straws (though these are responsible behaviors); rather, the political will for a livable planet must be created by voting for responsible leaders. The world, as one, must respond to the call for action. We have only one planet to call home.Summing Up: Essential. All readers.